The Blood Bond (2010)
Watch Online Movie The Blood Bond (2010)
The Blood Bond (2010)
The Blood Bond Movie: A world-renowned spiritual leader arrives in the Asian nation of Purma to give a teaching to the faithful. Accompanying him is a retinue of monks and attendants, including his personal bodyguard, Deva, a beautiful Eurasian girl with extraordinary physical prowess. As soon as Bagwun and his party reach their hotel, they are attacked by assassins from a rebel terrorist group. Wounded, Bagwun needs to undergo a life-saving operation within twelve hours. However, his blood type is so rare that only a few donors can be found who can reach the capital in time to help. Rebel leader Lompoc obtains the same information, and has his agents kill off the donors one-by-one. Deva gets information about a possible 7th donor in a remote village in the North, and she decides to brave the dangerous journey alone into the guerrilla-held badlands. There, she finds the last possible donor whose blood can save Bagwun: a drunken, embittered former Special Forces operative named John Tremayne.
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