What happens in Vegas ( Comedy )
Watch Movie – What happens in Vegas ( Review )
What Happens in Vegas
What Happens in Vegas ( Comedy )
Caste ? Ashton Kutcher, Cameron Diaz
Direction : Tom Vaughan
THIS one’s a delicious rom com that has you smiling and grinning with its rib-tickling battle of the sexes that rages on and on….Until the waves begin to break, the stars begin toshine.
Ashton Kutcher is the archetypal loser who can’t hold on to his job, even when he works for his dad. Cameron Diaz is the kick-ass Wall Street analyst who ends up getting dumped by her I-me-myself boyfriend. The depressed duo meet in Vegas, get drunk, get married, win a million dollar lottery and realise they must remain married for six months at least, if they want a share of the prize money. Obviously, an impossible task, specially when Kutcher has awful toilet habits and Cameron is a stickler for neatness and niceties. But in the midst of their bickering and brawl, it’s the marriage counsellor who actually hits the nail on head: Individually, they are atrocious; together they are super!
A breezy comedy, the film crackles with some great chemistry between the lead pair and makes merry with the evergreen theme of Martian men and Venus women battling it out for equilibrium and ever after.
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